Tanya Beattie
Director – Advisory; Head of Actuarial and Internal Audit Lead

Tanya Beattie


Tanya is a senior qualified actuary with significant expertise across multiple areas of the Insurance industry. Tanya leads the Actuarial practice in Bermuda, and also Internal Audit services.

Her experience spans Internal Audit, Risk Management, Solvency II, Pricing, Capital Modelling and Reserving. She brings a wealth of commercial and regulatoryacumen, gained from her various roles to date in both the Insurance industry and with the Central Bank of Ireland (Irish regulator)

Sector experience

Tanya’s experience is wide ranging spanning periods with Consultancy firms, an Insurance Regulator as well as over 10 years experience holding key roles within the European headquarters of one of the worlds largest P&C Insurers.

The industry roles covered functions including Risk (ORSA, Risk Management Frameworks, Solvency II Internal Model application etc.), Solvency II Pillar I (Technical Provisions, Capital Modellingetc.), Portfolio Management and Pricing Governance. 

Tanya also brings the regulatory perspective having worked within the Insurance Supervision department of the Central Bank of Ireland. This role involved active engagement with numerous stakeholders including Irish based insurers, the Governor of the Bank and also EIOPAwhere Tanya was the Regulator’s representative in Frankfurt.

  • BSc Financial & Actuarial Mathematics | Dublin City University
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Actuarial Science | Dublin City University
  • Fellow of Society of Actuaries in Ireland
  • Fellow of UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
  • Fellow of the US Society of Actuaries (FSA)
Tanya Beattie
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Tanya Beattie
Director – Advisory; Head of Actuarial and Internal Audit Lead
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